Di seguito un progetto di villaggio sostenibile nel sud-est dell'Inghilterra. La fondatrice e promotrice fa parte di un'associazione crudista. Chi volesse sapere qualcosa in piu' riguardo il crudismo, clicchi qui!
I'm gathering people who could be interested in being involved actively in building a sustainable village somewhere between Guildford and Brighton .
The project intends to be professional, efficient, innovative, ethical and to serve as a model for future similar developments. It will utilize cutting edge technology and top professionals who will be involved in every stage.
The ethos is to create a sustainable village which is cleverly designed to be practical, comfortable, and in harmony with nature; where a community spirit will be encouraged without compromising privacy. A place which welcomes the new technologies available and makes the most of them, it's about creating a model that works and encourages others to follow a similar path.
I am sure that there are enough people interested with the same vision, capable to make this project work. At the moment it is all in very early stages and ideas and contacts will be appreciated.
Please contact me if you wish to participate in this project my email is clausin79@hotmail.com and my phone number 07854029391
I look forward to hearing from you
Silvia Clausin